“Black Brothers #2”

One Reply to ““Black Brothers #2””

  1. Thanks for this research.
    So much queer history is hidden or denied or ignored. Black queer history more so, I suppose.
    The reminiscence of those times evokes my own internalised homophobia that still causes me to squirm a little even as I protest that I have released myself from shame about my sexuality.
    I also squirm a bit guiltily about my own fetishisation of black men.
    These images from the eighties take me back to that place in my life when furtive acquisitions of such magazines was one of the ways I quenched my thirst for erotic connections with men.
    Of course it was also the time of the AIDS crisis and my fears around that further clamped me down and stopped me having fun with guys.
    No regrets, here I am today, happy and exploring (when I can) the possibilities of pleasure between men.
    I love men.

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