My first time on this site and I feel home already… I’m 53 years old, married to the most loving and caring woman I could ever dream of, appreciative of my gay feelings that go deep, very deep. I am happy I’ve met her and also love my kids, but boy was I in the closet when I got married. And then I met a gay man who I worked with, but we also fell in love. And then I realised that being married wasn’t going to change a thing about who I really am. And started to embrace my sexuality. Took me years to fully accept I am gay. And my loving wife had helped all the way during that process. Giving me plenty of space to enjoy men whenever the opportunity comes along. She’s happy for me. And I’m happy she has had her fair share of lovers as well. But the main thing is that I am out of the closet, am still married to my best friend ever, am a proud father and have the sexiest boyfriend I could ever desire.
Life’s good! André From Holland
I agree with others that you, Andre, are incredibly fortunate. I’ve been married to my best friend for 36 years and, as oppose to many men our age, we still have wonderful sex together. In addition, my desire to be with a man sexually is real as I see homosexuality as the ultimate act of masculinity. However, my wife would not be accepting so I have refrained from actual homosexual sex and meet my erotic male desires online. Phalluster
Married here too. 26 years. And my wife knows my gay side. She has watched me so many times anally masturbate next to her as she masturbates beside me. She has pegged me and still there’s the longer for a man’s cock inside. She knows but there are even boundaries I have in place to never break the trust that we built for 27 years. That’s more precious than fantasy becoming reality.
Handsome boys…
Thanks dear Mr. Cox
I’m happy for this man AND his wife, they seem to have found their balance in life. But having been in a similar situation for 3 years as the “Boy Friend”, of a married man with kids (and wife who I liked and kids I adored), I had to call it quits. For me personally, it was ultimately a love I knew would and could never be fully returned. I always felt like the “accepted other”. It tore me apart inside.
I agree with others that you, Andre, are incredibly fortunate. I’ve been married to my best friend for 36 years and, as oppose to many men our age, we still have wonderful sex together. In addition, my desire to be with a man sexually is real as I see homosexuality as the ultimate act of masculinity. However, my wife would not be accepting so I have refrained from actual homosexual sex and meet my erotic male desires online.
Dear André,
You are doubly blessed! I’ve been spending time on Planet Romeo recently (it’s too cold out and I’m too old to cruise in any other way) and I am struck and deeply touched by how many lonely men there are out there, alone in the cold. Their loneliness is not just sexual but deeply spiritual. I’ve sent some of them to this website. Thank you again and again, Mr. Cox, for showing us that happiness/HaPenis is gloriously possible for André and many others, although, sadly, not for all.
You have an amazing wife to have worked your way to this place of HaPenis together. Inspirational thank you André of Holland and yes, that name conjures Tom of Finland, also a lucky man
Hope you come here more!
You have to be one of the most luckiest men on this planet…maybe in the entire universe!
Makes my heart sing to hear you lovely story, wishing you many years with your sexy man.
Andre’s story is amazing. Good luck and best wishes.
Not everyone could do this for sure it would be far too heavy for me but a married couple have had another male also another female join them in the bedroom for as threesome , we all have different needs.