1 thought on “JHONNY FLORES 7 semi

  1. I continue to find whimsical , therapeutic , serious, and just plain silly content and pics on this site , Cumm.co.uk , is without a doubt the best you could ever and will ever log into for matters in the nature of men and why we are the way we are in this plain of existence.
    And much of it absolutely and positively is the penis , cock , dick ,or what ever you like to think
    of it . Just think it’s free to pop in when ever !!!
    I believe Mr Cox is the owner , he should be exalted , Honored , praised , paid , etc etc for the concept !
    The post by Jhonny Flores is and was chilling to read ! And I feel much the same way bout my love and actions with my now ex wife of 32 years and any men I’ve ever interacted with !
    Spread the news about the website!!!!
    Bravo !!!

    Chuck Bone

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