I came across your site and have been reading everything. I’ve wondered about male anal orgasm before, but couldn’t find much info. I am straight, but I’ve always enjoyed anal stimulation. I haven’t been with many women who had an interest in it, either giving or receiving, so it’s been something that I explored on my own. At one point, I had a nice dildo that a girlfriend had left at my place. I played with that when I had the chance, but it wasn’t here for long before she retrieved it. I was close to an orgasm once with that thing, butt I had a slight elbow injury a the time and had to stop. I’m thinking about letting a guy fuck me, but I dont want it to be all lovey dovey or anything because that would turn me off. I’m not attracted to men, I just want to be fucked. My question is, what would gay/bi guys think about that? I would need to find a mostly straight acting guy that just wanted to get to it. Have any suggestions? – Gary
Gary – you just described every FWB hookup situation between married men. I’ve often described nsa sex between straight-identifying men like helping a buddy move furniture. You do it as a favor or out of friendship, not love. The same can apply to a blow job or fuck. It’s just 2 guys getting off and because guys know what turns another man on it’s very efficient. That situation worked for years for me. But, a funny thing happened. Me and another married man became close friends then best friends. Then we decided that since our sex was so good we wouldn’t fool around with any other FWB ….. long story short, he’s now my husband. Maybe we weren’t as straight as we though even though we had over 70 years of combined marriages between us. You never know, buddy. – JoE
Straight guys that want gay sex may be some kind of label/identity issue, but there are straight men that love butt stuff. If there’s s a man that wants butt stuff from a woman that knows how to do butt stuff well, they’re a straight guy that likes butt stuff. I knew a guy like that once. He was my female friend’s girlfriend. He was totally manly and a little metro, a huge ally, and all the hottest gays wanted him bc his allyship made him seem like he could be had. But my female friend had him all to herself, from what she said, he’d fuck the hell out of her with butt plug or bullet inside himself. The prostate is pleasure, if a straight guy can get past the mental hangup of it, he can enjoy the physicality of it, too. My poor husband is so afraid to be penetrated bc of one bad top, he’s still hesitant to take a dick, but he’s gay AF. Taking dick or not taking dick doesn’t equal someone’s sexuality. Linda’s boyfriend was not gay and my husband is not straight. – Letmwhirl
To the guy in the top pic, in answer to the question: Yes! Are you kidding?!?!
One of my masturbation buddies regularly masturbated with another guy for decades, and then they both became widowers within a year of each other. Their sex and affection blossomed, and they are now married. I’ve met up with several widowers, or just older guys who have been relieved of their responsibilities to give sex to their wives, and who have taken the opportunity to enjoy sex with other men. Some have even crossed over to the other side, and their interest in women has all but vanished. My identity is so tied up with “heterosexual normative” that the thought that it might happen to me is terrifying–not the sex or the relationship, but the social pressures.
Thank You Jack