I adore cock. I live for cock. I honor cock. I worship cock. Phallus was made for worship. Between my legs hangs a gift. A gift I treasure and worship multiple times a day. How could one not adore the powerful tool we as men have between our legs – Daddy Dave

6 thoughts on “I Adore Cock

  1. Ahh , daddy Dave , buddy your thoughts , pics , the verve n passion i feel when read and see your posts always leave me with a smile , and refreshed mind set that basically compliments and enhances all of the days requirements , little tasks that we all accept !!! Ultimately confirmations of how I feel excactly as yourself about things of the cock !!
    What a super power for us and as men !
    Penis rules all of humanity!!!
    It’s just the truth , as god made us this way ,
    Reverence to our god is and always was the only sure path to forever in paradise!
    Can’t wait for your next posting !
    Love ya man !!!!

    1. Chuck you sexy man you. Very nice indeed. The thought of being in your presence let’s just say
      I’d be between your legs hearing you moan

    1. I would so worship at your feet for that cock you have daddy dave! Yes sir!

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