One of the great philosophical questions of our times, is it possible to score a goal with your HaPenis? Watch French Ligue 1 match AS Groville Vs. FC Mufflins, as a players shorts are pulled down and he entertains the crowd with his might dancing buttock before scoring a goal With His HaPenis. Referee allows the goal for Mufflins. Groville players were not amused. And protest by pulling their shorts down and waving their french cocks at the referee. You literally couldn’t make it up. Could You?
More KnoBledge
No ya couldn’t make it up love look at french cocks and UK cocks or any from around the world
bonne idée ; magnifique
Ça devrait arriver plus souvent dans le millieu du sport… c’est vraiment magnifique 🤩
Awww mais putain… 🤌
Vraiment magnifque!
BTW “Groland MAG ZINE” is (was) a comic show on French channel Canal+, a parody of news programme: these football teams are fictitious… 😉