32 thoughts on “HaPenis Birthday

  1. I had no idea that you suffered this set back and I applaud your resilience and am very grateful for the gift of this site. Yes! The photos are inspiring, but the information allows us the possibility that we are not alone.
    Onward. Thank You.💚

  2. Happenis birthday!
    Loving the comments, especially “you are the penis phoenix”
    This brotherhood is blessed to have you and your diligent work, Seb Cox. Bless you and bless all cock-loving men.

  3. I’m glad you could manage to save it Seb. I would miss the great articles and the beautiful photos. I found a lot of good wanking material here.

  4. Dear Mr Cox, Happy Birthday!. Your 2nd Cumming, like your 1st, offers revelation after revelation, waking us from stony sleep. With passionate intensity, you turn us all, rough beasts, into glorious Gods!

    1. Congratulations Seb, and especially “Hapennis”, a site where we tear the veils, break down the walls of our fears… And you Seb (wonderful and sensitive man) do it with mastery… Knowing that other men, often feel the same desires, makes I feel like I’m not alone on this journey!
      Long live “Hapennis” 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
      Gratitude Seb 🙏🏽

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