32 thoughts on “HaPenis Birthday

  1. This is a truly wonderful website – inspiring, fun, thought provoking. I feel so privileged to have discovered it. Thank you for all your efforts in providing this magnificent resource!

  2. hi
    i have records link , of your site since 19-12-22 do y need them ?
    if yes tell me how to swith them to you

  3. Mr Cox, you had this site back up quite rapidly.
    All of us Men, us Gods, thank you for your incredible positive and affirming site.
    I know you will have everlasting life sir.

  4. Dear Mr Cox
    Bless you firstly as I know what it is like to loose such a massive undertaking as this ans secondly for your resolve to start again. I have read your website for a few years now and would definately miss it should it totally disappear. A Happy Birthday to the new site and thank you for your dedication.

  5. What a loss to the wonderful world of Penises if you had not been able to resolve the site. Thanks for all you do!

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