15 thoughts on “HaPenis Art Gallery

  1. Sketches, some nudes and some semi nudes, some clothed. A few are based on paintings. Gustave Caillebotte 1877 and a mixed media from ‘Loving Vincent’ 2017.

  2. “Walking is a kind of prayer, the body swinging along at a steady rhythm as the legs and feet dance ever onwards and the soul is released by the regular motion onto the infinite, towards God.”
    – Michele Roberts (The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene)

  3. “When families are woven in with friends and neighbours and when people of all generations have access to each other, then we won’t need psychologists or departments of welfare. We’ll take care of ourselves.”
    – Steve Biddulph (The Complete Secrets of Happy Children)

  4. “Adolescence is the time of risk for boys, and that risk-taking is also a yearning for initiation. Something in the adolescent male wants risk, courts danger, goes out to the edge, even to the edge of death.”
    – Robert Bly (Iron John)

  5. “In centuries gone by, becoming a man was a long, planned process. It required ritual and effort and the deliberate active intervention of older men. This ritual and effort, although very diverse in its forms around the planet, was universally practised in every society … it had a name. ‘Initiation’.”
    Steve Biddulph (Manhood)

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