Hi Seb, since I have read many men detailing their perfect sexual encounters I thought why not share one of mine. It was years ago on Hampstead Heath, any good gay guy knows about the Heath. Well it was late at night and not really many men about, but then this big man approached….good looking and well built. We had a chat , he had had words with his wife and gone for a drink ending up on the Heath. We started to touch each other a bit of kissing…he was massively hung. It was obvious that he wanted to use it! He was wet, I bent over and with some effort got all of him in. Slow thrust getting faster, but hey it was great. Then he got faster and faster and I thought god his dick was getting bigger and thicker. He held onto my waist and really thrust his dick hard into me and I could feel it throbbing he was unloading into me and it felt never ending, squirt after squirt. He must have doubled in size, slowly he withdrew and I looked at this monster dick twitching with cumm still dripping out. I asked if that was a normal load and he said yes and that he would be ready again anytime. But my ass was bruised by the size of him. He gave me a lift home and asked if he could come In with me, but I said had to admit to him that my ass needed time to recover. I never saw him again….. just to confirm I had to throw my pants away as there was so much cumm and staining afterwards.This is a true story I must have been in my early twenties and the Heath was just a great place to gave sex. – Dick Voyuer
I 💕Hampstead Heath
More KnoBledge
The New Forest is a great place for cruising which I love doinf and always nude. Being naked signals your interest in sex and other guys, there for the same reasons, are attracted. I like piss and cum and have it splashing down my naked body and over my face and into my mouth! I love it. I was once cummed on by four guys, one after the other. Wonderful!
So yes I was a bit of salut when I was young but were we all not a bit sex mad! Looking at men’s bulges, staying too long at urinals hoping to see the biggest dick!
I lived in South London which had a huge amount of public toilets, London Bridge Station, all along the South Bank, the Rotherhithe tunnel and Bermondsey underground toilet all were amazing. I would say Rotherhithe was probably the best. Huge black dicks local rough white guys. You could spend hours there and wait no more than a few minutes for a guy to cum down. Sundays were good, mature hung men could not wait to fuck, getting away from their wives and families to get their rocks off. You had to be quick on a Sunday as the council locked up the loos at lunch time. But then you could go along to the Festival Hall which had at least ten loos. That was until they cottoned on and put cameras everywhere. So once the loos started to get locked up for good where did you go..the saunas. Chariots was good then they opened one in the Cut wow that was good. Now gone demolished for a new hotel. So that left the Pleasuredome next to Waterloo station. Vast with loads of small cubicles steam rooms and saunas plus a few fuck rooms for group sex. Again as with most saunas muscle Mary’s would strut about in their towels and do nothing so you waited for the experienced mature men to arrive.
Yes London was fun and I have had my fair share of very big dick but as with everything you get older and get ignored and turn to porn, and thankfully this site. It is great to relate the past and let you guys hear my stories of which I have many to tell you.
So it looks like not many of your readers have experienced Hampstead Heath? Apart from being a truly great place to be, a huge open landscape in the North of London with swimming ponds and great walks it also has its hidden areas. There are two parts to the Heath, the huge area facing towards London and the wooded area towards Golders Green. This is the area which is the night hot spot. You cannot go to this area at night without getting sex! In the past there was an area under a pergola with a huge room we went there one night and it was a massive orgy. So many men having sex! Further down in the woods there was a horse shoe shaped bush called the yum yum tree, this was where we met a man with one of the biggest dicks I have ever felt…rock hard and enormous.
The police often raided this part of the Heath at night, so you had to keep your eyes open but we were lucky and many nights went home fully loaded with cumm.
I will relate one story of a guy we called Mr Foot…yes his dick was a foot long. He was a fantastic fuck. Good looking and well built, he sometimes wore the whole leather outfit but this time went back with him and he fucked me rotten dumping his seeds deep inside me. We were so tired after that we fell asleep with him still inside me and woke the next day with it still there. Yes a master of sex.
Being younger I would often spend hours on the Heath at night and sometimes get to bed about two or three in the morning then get up for work with my ass throbbing from the nights events.
So if you are ever in London visit the Heath just to experience this lung of fresh air and if you get the chance try to find this wooded area.