Each man’s chest hair pattern is indeed unique, influenced by genetics, hormonal levels, and ethnicity. The distribution and density of chest hair can vary significantly, with some men exhibiting dense coverage across the chest, while others have more localized growth around areas like the sternum or nipples. In the 1960s, researcher L.R. Setty studied chest hair patterns in white males, identifying 15 unique distributions based on hair presence in four main areas:
The sternal region (center and lower part of the breastbone), infraclavicular area (just below the inner part of the collarbone), pectoral region (chest area, including around the nipples), and circumareolar area (directly surrounding the nipples). The most common pattern, observed in 57% of subjects, was the Pecto-Sterno-Infraclavicular (PSI) pattern, where hair covers the chest, breastbone, and area below the collarbone. In contrast, the Circumareolo-Pectoro-Sterno-Infraclavicular (CPSI) pattern, featuring hair in all four areas, was rare, seen in only 0.1% of cases. These findings highlight the diverse and individualized nature of male chest hair patterns.
A hairy chest greatly enhances a man’s sexual appeal for me. But I am also very attracted to men with a bald head and beard. When weighing a man up, a bald head and beard can overrule any of the man’s other physical attributes. And I have been wondering what makes the bald-with-beard combination so sexy?
From researching a range of websites, the bald-with-beard style is noted as exuding confidence, masculinity and ruggedness. A beard with a bald head can convey that a man is comfortable with his appearance and embraces his facial features. Also, the combination of bald head and well groomed beard creates a visually striking contrast that adds depth and texture to the face. Meanwhile, a man sporting the bald-with-beard style can exude an extra level of maturity and sophistication.
As a gay man, I would add the heightened stimulation from beard-on-beard contact when kissing another man. Also, the sensations when having my cock sucked are intensified when the man’s beard and moustache rub against my erection, scrotum and thighs. And a man’s beard rubbing against my arse-cheeks while his tongue licks my hole takes rimming to a new level. Add to that the glorious sight of a man with his beard splattered with cum, and it’s back to the pleasure of kissing him!
At least wirh chest hair I’m genetically blessed.
Wow! I love hairy chested men! Love to run my fingers through all that hair. 😋
I am very happy with mine!!
Oh I love having a hairy chest, belly, shoulders, back, thighs and buttocks.
It was not always so, but into my later years, I have really leaned in to and embraced my natural hairiness.
Even so, I still prefer to keep my arse crack, cock and balls shaved smooth.
I can’t explain that, other than I really enjoy the look and feel of my smooth underparts. That’s not really an explanation though.
In other men, I am equally drawn to extremely hairy men and extremely smooth men. Oh yes, and all those in between! Haha.
Hairy chested men are a joy to behold. I wish I was, but alas, I’m genetically indisposed. In fact I’m an abnormality, having a patch of hair on one pec, and about 10 hairs around the other nipple. Looks ridiculous. But I’m ok with it. I’m well developed in other areas.
I only have one thing to say:
A man with hairy chest is a sight to behold…