Hey Leo, thanks for that sharing. Speaks clearly to me of the universe that I inhabit. Touch with another man, a man who is able to reciprocate as beautifully as I give myself to the meeting, to him, is profoundly connected, through our bodies, through our intimacy to a more expanding sense of living, of being. I long for spaces where I can show up as I am, naked, aroused, in joy, in connection. May it be so. – Amar Rama

2 thoughts on “Sensual Full-Body

  1. The only time I gave a massage to another was when I lived in Tennessee. He was my roommate but it was never sexual even though he was gay. I just used the same techniques that a massage technician used on me from a gift my best friend gave me. The steady motion and slower but even pressure when focusing on the mid and lower back and shoulder muscles is a good feeling. Especially when combined with a good aromatherapic moisturizer .

  2. Hey Leo, thanks for that sharing. Speaks clearly to me of the universe that I inhabit. Touch with another man, a man who is able to reciprocate as beautifully as I give myself to the meeting, to him, is profoundly connected, through our bodies, through our intimacy to a more expanding sense of living, of being. I long for spaces where I can show up as I am, naked, aroused, in joy, in connection. May it be so.

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