12 thoughts on “Our Clubhouse

  1. Yes, your hand is the one you can always depend on, and you don’t need to impress it. No need to shave, etc. Stress free sex is my first pick for gratification!

    1. In my mid-70s here and love a daily bate. Often edge for hours before shooting my old man load.

  2. Masturbation is our most faithful and pleasurable companion from before adolescence until maturity.
    We masturbate with lust, desire, stress, voluptuousness. Any place or time is always pleasurable and often saves us from embarrassing situations when our friend insists on getting hard 🍆

  3. I hear you! At any age, regular masturbation keeps us young. And yes, this site is amazing. It’s like our clubhouse. There are pin-ups all over the walls and whatever the time of day or night there’s always someone in here masturbating,

    1. My God! That’s by far the largest ball sack I’ve ever seen! I want to touch it. I want to rub my face all over it.

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