6 thoughts on “Homo-Erogenous Zones

  1. According to research reported in Men’s Health (https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37092885/why-do-men-have-nipples/), about 50% of men are sexually aroused by stimulation of their nipples, which contain a dense supply of nerve tissue that fires up areas of the brain in a similar way to genital arousal.

    As one of those lucky men, nipple-play is one of my greatest pleasures, especially when masturbating. Slowly rubbing my fingertips across my nipples or gently squeezing sends waves of delight throughout my body and gets my cock throbbing with excitement. In fact, stimulating the nipples is my primary activity when looking at pictures or videos of men. Adding a touch of massage oil to my fingers and nipples heightens the experience even more. Soon the precum starts dribbling and, finally, I will orgasm, without needing to touch my penis. When seeing an attractive man in the street, another advantage of this sensitivity is the hidden pleasure from “innocently” rubbing my chest to stimulate my nipples and send waves of pleasure through my cock.

  2. Male partners provide the higher levels of sex for other men. A sexually filled man is a happier person.

  3. I think the fourth point is bollocks. Someone I used to see had a fine working penis, but his erogenous zone was his outer thighs.

    1. Hi Si,
      Such a BEAUTIFUL cock, lolling to one side so that I can admire your equally GORGEOUS balls. I sort of want to admire, maybe do even more than admire, your asshole too. Maybe another time!

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