Especially since covid, I have been masturbating nearly daily, and enjoying EDGING. Bringing myself almost-to-the-brink, several times in a session. I spend at least an hour plus each time, watching porn, chatting online with other bators, devoting my attention to my engorged penis. I have collected several different types of cock and ball rings to make me feel even better. I may be over 60, but I haven’t lost the love of penis worship, and the joys of masturbation. – OldManMike

Hey Mike, I’m with you fand I’m 70. I truly enjoy stroking my cock. Let the other men stroke, me them. I just love being hard and still able to do so. I’m no good at edging. I get close and have no willpower. I’m a published author so often times I will relive some past, sexual events and write a short story about it. Of course this always makes me hard so I jerk off nearly every time I write one. I just love the slow manipulation and feeling of having my cock stroked. Especially if others are watching me. By the time I’m done, I usually have sucked off at least two. – Donald

4 thoughts on “Engorged HaPenis

    1. Haven’t seen you post in awhile. You still masturbatinmg that wonderful daddy penis?

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