“You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter.
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.
This universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want,
you are already that.”

In Rumi’s poetic musings, he whispers that you are a sacred scroll written by the divine hand, your every curve and contour penned with celestial ink. Your existence is a reflection of a noble visage, a mirror that captures the elegance of the heavens. Yet, he reminds you that the universe doesn’t reside at arm’s length; it pulses within your very being. Within the chambers of your soul, the cosmos unfurls its secrets. Gently, he encourages you to turn your gaze inward, tracing the constellations that reside within your own essence. The universe, with all its mysteries and wonders, dances at the heart of your consciousness. And as you explore, Rumi unveils a truth: the desires that flutter within your chest, the dreams that set your heart ablaze—they are not distant wishes but fragments of your own tapestry. So, embrace your own divinity, read the poetry etched into your cells, and recognize that the universe’s secrets are whispered in the rhythms of your breath. You are the manuscript, the mirror, the universe incarnate. And in the discovery of your own completeness, sensuality intertwines with the cosmic symphony that resonates within you.

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