5 thoughts on “Plato & Leonardo

  1. Homosexuality is a stupid word .. the reality is flexible sexuality than can allow humains to enjoy same or hetero sex .. when one tries will never forget .. if u do not try u will never know if u have this potential or not Being flexible is like being a Nose for perfumes or a mathematician or a genious in painting or being manual or intellectual nothing more a ” just a possibility” a special gift to enjoy sex according your skill & will

  2. Homosexuality is a stupid word .. the reality is “flexible sexuality “than can allow humains to enjoy same or hetero sex .. when one tries will never forget .. if u do not try u will never know if u have this potential or not !
    Being flexible is like being a Nose for perfumes or a mathematician or a Genius in painting or being manual or intellectual nothing more , is ” just a possibility” a special gift Of your nature to enjoy sex according your skill & will …

    i reached this conclusion reading many posts here , we are all different .. even if i had sex with thousand of men and few women ( men are easy going ) there are plenty of sex games i have seen here that i never did or have done in a very special moment with a very special person , this does not mean i am less gay or perverted , it is my nature and my needs my way to be ” flexible “

  3. Sadly, his later students, the neo-Freudians, were less enlightened, obsessed with “full genital maturity” (i.e., sticking your penis in a vagina) and trying to “cure” homosexuality. And God forbid a “latent homosexual” get into politics, he might nuke the world!

    Seriously, that was the 60s for you.

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