11 thoughts on “Cole Faulkner

    1. Models and men i have seen in porn are hot dont get me wrong, they have gotten me through many horny adventures , the movies I secretly bought , the magazines I stashed and spread out open all around me while I fantasized about being surrounded by cock.BUY the wonderful thing about this site is the EVERYDAY JOE that shares pics and videos .I see men in public and instantly begin to imagine what is underneath all the wrapping of clothes!!Hats off to my brothers who share themselves with us , I encourage those who return to this site or stumble across the site to share yourself WE LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS

    1. Cole, I think you are the sexiest man. I still have the magazine with this original spread in a suitcase under my bed. I have wanted a mustache like yours for the last 50 years, but do not have the genetics for it. THANK YOU for sharing your beauty with us.

    1. Why Not!

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