I have been cumming to this site for years, I would LOVE to see the weekly or even occasional cock gallery. You know a nice scroll of members to look at and enjoy? What do you think? The idea of 50, 60 pictures all lined up to scroll through and enjoy is awesome. – Wade

More KnoBledge
Perhaps 15 years ago, I read an article in Gay Times asking a sample of men how many penises they’d seen. Since the question was not restricted to sexual partners, I was surprised at the low numbers being reported, with some in single figures. Even discounting pornography, I had ogled numerous penises in the locker-room at the gym or at the gay sauna, as well as intimate contact with sexual partners. Since the internet has taken off, I must have viewed pictures and videos featuring many hundreds of penises, if not thousands! The number would be high even if I only counted the photos or videos that I’ve masturbated over. And I am sure that I am not atypical of gay men. Cock is everywhere!
I agree, a cock gallery would be great. I love this site. The stories and experiences of other guys. The pics. Here is my dick.