Remember, we are all alike, the same God. We have to learn how to Touch each other. We have to become more intimate with each other because that is how we become closer to God.
Yes, at some point, my masturbation practice transformed into an entirely different perception of my body and, in particular, my penis as holy conduits to my spiritual connection to God, men, all people, and the universe. Then my self-love sessions became sacred liturgies of praise, thanksgiving, and pleasure. Old remnants of shame sometimes still try to intrude but my self acceptance and gratitude far outweigh them. Bill
More KnoBledge
beautiful truth sex is not for evil it is for GOOD cum is OXYGEN for the human soul
Yes, at some point, my masturbation practice transformed into an entirely different perception of my body and, in particular, my penis as holy conduits to my spiritual connection to God, men, all people, and the universe. Then my self-love sessions became sacred liturgies of praise, thanksgiving, and pleasure. Old remnants of shame sometimes still try to intrude but my self acceptance and gratitude far outweigh them.
Well said and beautifully put. After so many years, I can still struggle with shame, sites like this (and sights like those on the site) help me regain a sense of grace and the rightness of honouring our sexuality.
Reading this article made me realize how fun it is to masturbate
So I’m not the only one having sex with God? Phew! Good to know