Celtic society, like all patriarchal societies, had the cult of the penis at its core, to the extent that the human body itself was seen as a phallic object or symbol, and the severed head on a pillar a symbol of penis-power erected at strategic points on boundaries and at entrances. Lug the potent male sky-god gave his name to strategic sites still famous: Lyons, Laon, London, Leyden, and perhaps Lucca – just as the Celts themselves gave their name enduringly to Galicia in Spain, Galicia in the Balkans, Wales, and, of course, Gaul. – Anthony Weir

Homosexuality was an accepted part of Celtic life. Somewhat contradictorily, many Classical writers noted that Celtic men preferred to have sex with each other. Diodorus Siculus stated that, although Celtic women were beautiful, their men preferred to sleep with each other. Siculus also noted that it was an insult if a guest refused an offer of sex from a Celtic man. The Greek philosopher Posidonius also stated that in Gaul “men prefer to have sex with each other.” These sweeping statements may be a misinterpretation of Celtic male bonding rituals and certainly don’t suggest that Celtic men only slept with women under sufferance. However, what they do show is that homosexual relationships were not prohibited or taboo amongst the Celts and that they had a flexible approach to sexuality.

When I see a man whom I feel a sexual connection to, a blast of energy vibrates around my body. This can be a deeply spiritual experience. I have always thought that this energy just doesn’t emanate from myself, butt, also from my Celtic ancestors, especially those who denied this to themselves. It’s like I have a whole Celtic Army behind me roaring, Ah, Go on, Go on, Go on… – Mr Cox
There’s no better society to be a part of than this one.
Worship and pay homage forever
Sieht mega aus toll Kuss 💋
love the ginger pubes on that guy
For Celts, homosexuality was completely normal and it is
So Sexy Michael. I’d worship your cock anytime
You certainly DO have those Celts behind you Mr Cox.
I’ve never heard that snap connection I have always felt described the way you did.
Its highly accurate!!!
AND, just happened today as I arose, went out front with my dog, dude driving by eyeballing me HARD as men do. Me: Gym shorts, sleeveless T, tall, fit, bald, hairy, hung.
Of course Men LOOK.
I felt that exactly as you described.
Thank you for sharing that with us.