Celtic society, like all patriarchal societies, had the cult of the penis at its core, to the extent that the human body itself was seen as a phallic object or symbol, and the severed head on a pillar a symbol of penis-power erected at strategic points on boundaries and at entrances. Lug the potent male sky-god gave his name to strategic sites still famous: Lyons, Laon, London, Leyden, and perhaps Lucca – just as the Celts themselves gave their name enduringly to Galicia in Spain, Galicia in the Balkans, Wales, and, of course, Gaul. – Anthony Weir

5 thoughts on “The Phallic Society

  1. You certainly DO have those Celts behind you Mr Cox.
    I’ve never heard that snap connection I have always felt described the way you did.
    Its highly accurate!!!

    AND, just happened today as I arose, went out front with my dog, dude driving by eyeballing me HARD as men do. Me: Gym shorts, sleeveless T, tall, fit, bald, hairy, hung.
    Of course Men LOOK.
    ALL THE TIME!!!! LOL EXACTLY as I do!!!
    I felt that exactly as you described.
    Thank you for sharing that with us.

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