The garden of HaPenis is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow and joy. HaPenis is beyond either […]
“Poetry can be dangerous, especially beautiful poetry, because it gives the illusion of having had the experience without actually going through it.”
Lover Loving & Loved
“Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. Love has no cause, it is the astrolabe of God’s secrets. Lover […]
CONDOMS (by Martin H.)
Who said, Condoms deny pleasure? With his voluptuous Soft Hairy White Arse Stretched out from under me, Cushioning my hips As […]
Throbbing Life
I am not going to give you a destination. I can only give you a direction – awake, throbbing with life, […]
Become The King
Don’t be a scholar be a fool for HaPenis instead if you’re the moon in the sky, fall down become the […]
At the Gym – Mark Doty
This salt-stain spot marks the place where men lay down their heads, back to the bench, and hoist nothing that need […]
Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for youAs yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;That I may rise and stand, […]
Looking At Myself
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky; Then it landed on earth to look at me. Like a hawk […]