
Roddy Bottum and Joey Holman gay lovers who drove from Brooklyn to California at the onset of the corona virus in […]

The Seraphim

We, who are parts of Adam, heard with himThe song of angels and of seraphim. Our memory, though dull and sad, […]

Roaring Silence

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. When actions come from another […]


You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world […]

Paul DeFlorian

“I actually always have a concept before I start drawing or painting. Of course I save pictures that inspire me. Unconsciously […]

Drain The Residue

“Us men worship our cocks and jerk them as often as we need …. I edge for hours, and sometimes don’t […]

Let Them Sleep

Those who don’t feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don’t drink dawn like a cup of spring […]

Compulsory Desire

Why do we need Symbolic Food to survive? just a funny day in 2009. Paris. +Music Tom Fahy – Op 6 […]

Señores Hermoso

Tal vez te he mentido , si te he dicho que nunca me has hecho falta ,si te he dicho que […]


“In these puzzles, it is obvious to the viewer that there are only two persons in the composition, but the complex […]

Men Can Fly!

This is love:to fly toward a secret sky,to cause a hundred veilsto fall each moment.First to let go of life.Finally,to take […]

Satie – Gymnopédies

The word gymnopédies was derived from a festival of ancient Sparta at which young men competed against each other unencumbered by clothing, […]

The Piano Tuner

Richard is the fascinating story of a travelling piano tuner who chooses to live outdoors. Shot in London, the film takes […]

Cimetière Marin

Cimetière Marin” by Arve Henriksen is a hauntingly atmospheric piece that evokes a deep sense of introspection and calm. The song, […]