Insane DaDancing

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friedrich Nietzsche […]

My Daily Ejaculate

Ejaculation increases levels of oxytocin, DHEA, and testosterone which leaves you feeling happy and completely relaxed. The hormones released during Ejaculation […]

Seamen Wanted

Dance all night a jolly rodger Theres a port hole for every todger. Two thousand men to keep you amused Come […]


SONGS OF SIN Op. 50 (1992, unfinished). A cycle of songs for a young popular voice, mens chorus and military band […]


The performance‚ Makin’ History 2.0’ explored the multiple social-cultural ties between the single individual and history as a concept of social […]

Come Together

In a revealing interview in 2018 with GQ, Paul McCartney talked about mutual masturbation sessions with John Lennon & Friends and […]

L’Art Pour L’Art

L’Art pour l’Art, or “Art for Art’s Sake,” is a 19th-century philosophy advocating that art should be appreciated for its beauty […]

Amhrán na bhFiann

Growing up as a young man in a lower working-class Roman Catholic Irish family in the 60’s despite being constantly reminded that […]

Polishing Trumpets

I can See angels Sitting on your ears, Polishing trumpets, Replacing lute strings, Stretching new skins on the drums And gathering […]

Un Chant d’Amour

Jean Genet‘s only film, which he directed in 1950. Because of its explicit (though artistically presented) homosexual content, the 26-minute movie […]

Distraction Exquisite

HaPenis is a device to “calculate” the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic. Why this distracted […]

Born With Wings

You were born with wings.  You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.  You have wings.  Learn to use them and […]

Locker Room Aria

It is “Ombra mai fu” from Xerxes. It is an ode to a Plane Tree and speaks of the beautiful shade […]

Jazz & Jizz

The complex rhythms of jazz can also subtly influence physical responses, aligning movements to the music’s tempo and creating a harmonious […]