The KnoBledge Awards

6 Replies to “The KnoBledge Awards”

  1. Dear HaPenis!
    Thank you for the rich content of males displaying their bodies. The variety and depth of the content are impressive.
    Taking a photo of my resting torso, my brain became focussed on how to celebrate one’s body. I enjoy being in the body, it is sensual whereas the mind is intellectual or ruminating.
    A companion and myself spend time discussing the nature of sexuality – that one’s life force is to express their eros – the sexual being. It is the whole mind, body, and spirit, not just the genitalia. To be erotic is to connect to the power of our animal ancestry. Sometimes when I masturbate three or more times a day, I worry there’ll be no life force left!
    My favourite part of my body is the upper legs, as a runner and swimmer I have conditioned the body as such. But to the penis, mine is below average both flaccid and erect, but it is thicker than many (but not as thick as some!).
    Sexuality is a facet of life from which to be grateful and thankful. A joy when shared, sacred in company. Curious, even when alone.

    1. You are very, extremely beautiful! I love your penis and thick pubic hair. Thank you for sharing this foto of yourself.

    2. I enjoyed your post and your picture. I am generally not comfortable in my own body, experiencing issues with dysmorphia, I therefore admire someone who is confident in themselves. I also try to work to improve my body and hope to be able to say ‘ this is my favourite part’ one day. As I’m replying on this site I would like to say I enjoyed your penis and ball sack. I’m sure it looks as beautiful when erect!

    3. die Größe des Penis ist doch nicht entscheidend,sondern die Art der Empfindungen, die man zu lassen kann!

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