The one thing people fear the most is the penis — the black man’s penis.”

Robert Mapplethorpe.

I, as a black and gay man, feel flattered by Mapplethorpe.. That a few decades ago already saw this fear in people. Fear, desire..
And sometimes contempt…
Mapplethorpe ahead of everyone and everything!


6 thoughts on “Black Magick

  1. I am not sure being fetishized is flattering, for one thing. For another, Frantz Fanon, psychiatrist and writer, was decades ahead of Mapplethorpe. The original of Black Skin, White Mask was published in 1952.

  2. “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”
    “I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me.”

  3. I, as a black and gay man, feel flattered by Mapplethorpe.. That a few decades ago already saw this fear in people. Fear, desire..
    And sometimes contempt…
    Mapplethorpe ahead of everyone and everything!

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