Become The King by Rumi Bi Cox Don’t be a scholar be a fool for HaPenis instead if you’re the moon in the sky, fall down become the dirt on the road be together with young and old. good and bad if you start out as a pawn you’ll become the king later on More KnoBledge "God"AJSo-called PoetAleister CrowleyAmhrán na bhFiannIrishPolishing TrumpetshafezFlexing My Cockhung older menUse It Or Lose ItMy Penis & MeWhat Is Laughter?hafezOpening UpPoetA Poem for Gay Loversanal orgasmHaPenis Masturbation Day!I Am A WankerPlease Share This:TweetEmailWhatsAppBlueskyRedditPocketThreadsMorePrint Related KnoBledge poet