May your body be blessed. May you realize that your body is a faithful and beautiful friend of your soul. And may you be peaceful and joyful and recognize that your senses are sacred thresholds. May you realize that holiness is mindful gazing, feeling, hearing and touching. May your senses gather you and bring you home. May your senses always enable you to celebrate the universe and the mystery and possibilities in you presence here. May the Eros of the Earth bless you. – John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
More KnoBledge
For promoting inner peace and joy throughout the new year ahead, I cannot recommend highly enough the YouTube channel run by “The Honest Guys”. The channel is packed with brilliant meditations and relaxation exercises.
Here is one of my favourites, a short exercise titled Positive Life Affirmations:
And here is a link to the main channel, where you can immerse yourself across a range of the most uplifting and healing exercises:
Remember, we deserve time to look after ourselves: mind, body and spirit.
Glorious post.
Thank you.
Thank You mark, Bless You
This site is truly a beautiful, soul-thrilling inspiration. It is I who truly thanks you.