9 thoughts on “Art or Porn?

  1. Just myself in a colored watercolor/painting in my backyard this last summer. I love showing myself off especially outdoors and nude!

  2. Art helps us know the whole man, aesthetics, virility, mood and hopefully, have a glimpse into his personality. Pornography focuses our attention only on sexual need: natural, healthy but narrow.

  3. Its both! One image can be different things to different people. But I’ll still keep drawing naked men regardless of how others label my creations.

  4. My simple tribute to Tim Kruger, who left us yesterday in a surreal and premature way…
    A beautiful, sexy and above all kind and generous man who will be missed…
    Thank you handsome redhead..

    Tim Kruger 1981-2025 💔😢🙏🏽

  5. In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart tried to explain “hard-core” pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced… but I know it when I see it …”
    Unfortunately, in the last 60 years, we have come no further with this definition. I live in the Midwestern US, which in some measures is quite Puritanical: limited sex toys retail, sparse nude dancers and no publically sanctioned nude beaches within 500 miles of Chicago which I’m aware of. I’d argue however that Midwesterners are neither prudish nor judging; most are just outwardly friendly and don’t want to offend their neighbors of very diverse backgrounds. In this regard, I respect respectability, even as I long for more, to let down boundaries and find community that can agree that “an erection does not strip a body of its poetry, nor does pleasure make an image less profound,” an idea which goes beyond orientation to core primal masculinity.
    If the true question is who is afraid of desire, it begs the further question, what are the desires? Is it simply one related to homophobia for straight men, the fear of not being as straight and narrow as norms dictate? Or does it go deeper to a fear of not having the right to be authentic and removed from society’s convenient labels?
    I don’t know much, but have learned that my penis is often the smartest head in the room, and allowing it to be free to see and be seen is liberating for my whole self. I wish I had more social opportunities to do so. I look forward to going to a clothing optional campground this summer where gender and orientation are left at the gates and we can all just be and take it from there.

  6. Ik denk een behaarde man met getrimd lichaams haar en een medium lange penis.geschoren teelballen leeftijd niet belangrijk maar volstrekt niet onder de 21 jaar.

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