I love the freedom and beauty of this site, love the manly pictures and the honest words of other men like me. I am bi and married. At age 66 I can proudly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful sex life with many women and almost as many men. No shame here since I am who I am. In truth, I was introduced to the beauty and joy of sucking cock before I ever buried my cock into a young woman. I can remember every heart throbbing moment of my first experience with a man like if was yesterday, even after 50 years. The discovery of my lifelong love of penis came on an early summer afternoon between the knees of a neighbor, friend and mentor some 20 years older than me. Th impact of that day was so great that I went back to him for more almost every day of the next two weeks. He would eventually introduce men to young men like myself and to much older men as well. The strong, musky beauty of a man’s body become my desire, a did the throbbing of a magnificent hard cock in my mouth, the raspy power of an unshaven face against my skin as we embraced and kissed deeply, the power of a lover’s sperm erupting into my willing and longing mouth and throat or deep into my bowels. This joy has been shared with gay lovers, bi lovers, even straight friends who I dared to seduce and prayed for them to keep the secret safe. Every encounter, every cock, each drop of sacred seed are etched in my memory like a beautiful work of art. Thank you for this site and my dear thanks to all of you who share it. – Words : Joseph. Model: Unknown

24 thoughts on “A Wonderful Sex Life

  1. Hello Joseph, Are you still here? This statement is one of the great ones by an older man about his life as a lover of men (and women) on this site. Such fulfilment. I know exactly what you mean. And I share your love of the “beauty and freedom” of this site.

    1. AJ, this is Joseph. I have left the site for a while, but stopped in today and saw your note. Thank yu for your kind words.

  2. Joseph says it well here how those memories of smoking hot hung men, many straight identifying, are etched in my brain forever like rubies and gold.
    Don’t hesitate to give a guy a compliment you could end up with much much much more.
    Men are like peacocks and any who deny enjoying a sincere compliment from another man just aren’t ready to live free of shame about simply being a man.

    Often, it is the most “macho” fellas who truly want an encounter and don’t know how or what to do to make it happen.
    That’s for us to handle brothers.
    Make it happen. He will be glad you did. And remember, having a pair is very impressive to a man. Confidence is attractive to everyone.

  3. Men need men.
    Men need to be physical with other men we are hard wired this way.
    No need for embarrassment nor shame for as men, by definition, reread above.
    HaPenis to all my brother men.

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