3 thoughts on “Hypnotic Trance

  1. Creative , safe , indulgence, caring, loving and passion. I like a dry stroking for starters, my legs spread so wide and my natural scents allowed to transpire.

  2. I like an experience where the focus is on the scrotum and the aim is not necessarily an erection. I like the whole area being stimulated in a teasing way.

  3. Yep,, I agree with the massaging of genitals, it’s not a gay thing , sexual or otherwise. It’s a mind set of relaxation and cerebral intensity, that every man should try to understand and focus on without being hung up on an erection being the out come, if that happens it’s ok but not to make it a sexual event! A man body is always in need of a distressing relaxation event, and another man is usually the best person to give it. Being that he has the same equipment and understands the places that are in need or lacking the proper attention!

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