These spiritual window-shoppers,

who idly ask, ‘How much is that?’

‘Oh, I’m just looking.’

They handle a hundred items and put them down,

shadows with no capital.

What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.

But these walk into a shop,

and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment,

in that shop.

Where did you go? “Nowhere.”

What did you have to eat? “Nothing much.”

Even if you don’t know what you want,

buy something, to be part of the exchanging flow.

Start a huge, foolish project,

like Noah.

It makes absolutely no difference

what people think of you.


This Rumi poem contrasts those who superficially explore spirituality and sexuality with those who deeply engage. The former ask about the cost but remain detached, leaving only shadows. In contrast, sincere engagement brings transformation. Even mundane matters disappear in profound moments. The poem encourages active participation and bold endeavors, disregarding external opinions. The essence lies in genuine experience, tears, love and deeply powerful ejaculations.

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