I love this site which I accidentally discovered a year ago whilst searching for an alternative to porn sites/dating sites/sites about the scene, none of which satisfy the deep desire and longing I have inside for real connection with other men. I visit this site when I need to remind myself that I am not alone, that there are other men out there who feel the same deep desire for masculine intimacy with the beautiful complexity that is man. I live far north of London where men are, as a rule, very different to the kind of beings that inhabit cosmopolitan spaces like London. The North is a lonely place for sensitive men who wish to experience more than what the scene or the virtual world has to offer. I never thought I would leave a footprint here, I generally shy away from saying anything meaningful in the virtual world which can be so shaming and toxic. But today I was moved by way I read here and I want to believe that it is possible for me and others like me to have what we desire, even in the less evolved spaces of these Islands. I want to believe that this site represents something real, something that can exist for a man like me. It has certainly inspired me to think more about how I could risk exploring something of my own up here in the coldness of the Northern wastelands. Thank you all, my beautiful, brave brothers, for your generosity and your words of love. – A Deep Desire for Masculine Intimacy by The Hermit
Dear Hermit, You write movingly about your life. I just want to say that your phrase “a deep desire for masculine intimacy” really captures the feeling that, once I had experienced that kind of intimacy with a man when I was a teenager, is a feeling I have felt during my whole life. I just had very nice sex with a “younger” (he is 60, short, with twinkly blue eyes, and a small cock) man who lives in the mountains north of here with whom I have been chatting back and forth for awhile, who just happened to come to my city on business. So he came over and we had sex. The moment of intimacy came right at the beginning when we kissed in the hallway, when I unbuttoned his shirt and caressed his hairy chest and he kept kissing, asking for more intimacy, breathing heavily. We had sex on the couch which was nice, nothing special in and of itself, and then he left. The moment of real intimacy with him was right at the beginning when we were kissing (which he did very well), and then it dissipated, quite abruptly after we had our orgasms and I washed my cum from his chest and he got dressed. “Masculine intimacy” can be very brief. But it is intense and you can experience it with a stranger you don’t find all that sexy and who you will never see again. It is at the core of what all men seek and, yes, it is spiritual. AJ
When I have experienced sexual encounters with other men, there is that desire to exhibit physical strength when our bodies meet — a strength that women might call “rough sex”! Face it, it’s our physical make-up has that wonderful gift: testosterone! – Thom Waller
Mr. Cox has brought to life the essence of man that no printed periodical could do.
What a sweet round butt Wow. And the pictures that follow…Love me some plump butt! Great for spanking.
Dear Hermit,
You write movingly about your life. I just want to say that your phrase “a deep desire for masculine intimacy” really captures the feeling that, once I had experienced that kind of intimacy with a man when I was a teenager, is a feeling I have felt during my whole life. I just had very nice sex with a “younger” (he is 60, short, with twinkly blue eyes, and a small cock) man who lives in the mountains north of here with whom I have been chatting back and forth for awhile, who just happend to come to my city on business. So he came over and we had sex. The moment of intimacy came right at the beginning when we kissed in the hallway, when I unbuttoned his shirt and caressed his hairy chest and he kept kissing, asking for more intimacy, breathing heavily. We had sex on the couch which was nice, nothing special in and of itself, and then he left. The moment of real intimacy with him was right at the beginning when we were kissing (which he did very well), and then it dissipated, quite abruptly after we had our orgasms and I washed my cum from his chest and he got dressed. “Masculine intimacy” can be very brief. But it is intense and you can experience it with a stranger you don’t find all that sexy and who you will never see again. It is at the core of what all men seek and, yes, it is spiritual.
When I have experienced sexual encounters with other men, there is that desire to exhibit physical strength when our bodies meet — a strength that women might call “rough sex”! Face it, it’s our physical make-up has that wonderful gift: testosterone!