1. Sensory Stimulation: This involves the sensory experience associated with cigars, such as the smell of tobacco, the taste of smoke, or the feel of the cigar against the skin or lips.
  2. Visual Stimulation: The visual appearance of cigars, including their shape, size, color, and the act of smoking, can be sexually stimulating for individuals with a cigar fetish.
  3. Power Dynamics: In some cases, the cigar may be associated with power, dominance, or submission. It can be used as a prop in role-playing scenarios or BDSM activities, where one partner may take on a dominant role while the other plays a submissive role.
  4. Smoking Fetish: For some individuals, the act of smoking itself can be a source of sexual arousal. This can involve watching someone smoke a cigar or participating in smoking activities themselves.

2 thoughts on “A Cigar Fetish

  1. Gosto de um bom charuto e whisky , para relaxar depois do trabalho , fico excitado de pau duro quando fumo em público e as pessoas disfarçam para ver meu bigode enorme e grosso com fumaça . Puta que pariu é muito tesão.

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