29 thoughts on “HaPenis Engineering

    1. I could spend a lot of time sucking your gorgeous cock, but I would also love to get acquainted with your balls. I get hard just looking at them.

  1. Dear Philip,
    I agree. Apart from an occasional rocket-ship lift off, I prefer my own cock and those of others to be sensually natural and laid-back, comfortable in their own foreskins (if they still have them), and asking for love. Forget the mechanical shit!

  2. Thank you Dave for your compliment on my Cock. You can also be proud of your Cock. I’m always amazed at how beautiful a stiff, plump Man’s Cock is. Truly a masterpiece of the great Master

  3. The penis is an engineering marvel. Handsome, soft, hard, big, small, thick, thin, long,short a piston if you will able to thrust shallow and deep giving overwhelming pleasure. Well lubricated can easily slide into any hole and the glorious shaped mushroom knob at the end of the shaft is in-it-self amazing

    1. Daddy Dave, Your penis is so well-defined as shown erect! Considering your penis being so erect, the glans is so smooth and shiny! There’s no question that you take exceptionally excellent care of your penis and your scrotum!!

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