I am really glad to have discovered this site and the fact that i am not alone in my desire for men and their cocks. Even before I was married, i knew I was more gay than straight. Oddly enough, though i lusted for men and their hairy cocks, i walked the straight and narrow for more than 25 years. It may help to understand that the society i lived in then and still do today, is extremely conservative and homophobic. The punishment for gay sex is imprisonment. Its a Asian country. I started indulging my gayness only when it became easier to meet men online. I am now over 60 and have been gay active for the past 12 years. I thought i was weird or perverted until i discovered that the men i met were in a similar situation. Currently, i am in a relationship of sorts with another married man. Its been ongoing for nearly 4 years. i am dismayed to realise that i am in love with him, and feel that if i were to tell him this, i would lose him. JoE

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