Perhaps 15 years ago, I read an article in Gay Times asking a sample of men how many penises they’d seen. Since the question was not restricted to sexual partners, I was surprised at the low numbers being reported, with some in single figures. Even discounting pornography, I had ogled numerous penises in the locker-room at the gym or at the gay sauna, as well as intimate contact with sexual partners. Since the internet has taken off, I must have viewed pictures and videos featuring many hundreds of penises, if not thousands! The number would be high even if I only counted the photos or videos that I’ve masturbated over. And I am sure that I am not atypical of gay men. Cock is everywhere! Hugh B
More KnoBledge
I totally agree. As I’ve said many times before,
Penises are wonderful, penises are grand,
Penises are everywhere, they hang on every man.
Cock is indeed everywhere – and especially accessible online. No doubt I’ve seen many thousands of cocks in porn. But better is watching men bate their cocks, live, and no doubt I’ve seen hundreds if not thousands. Although not in person, live should count more than on video!
I’ve seen a lot of cocks. We all showered in gang showers in high school, so I’ve seen all my classmates cocks and they have seen mine.