6 thoughts on “The Sacred Dance

  1. Dancing is such an important past time to me. I danced my way to better health. A Cosmopolitan quality of dance are most cultures have particular traditional and hybrid dance rituals and genres of moving, whether individual, partnered, or grouped. I am a queer dancer without a partner, dancing to the rhythm of my future recovery. All abilities can dance and many men are patient, kind, and competent dance teachers. A welcome post here. Thank you.

  2. The British philosopher Alan Watts (1915-1973) viewed life as a continuous flow of energy, a dance within an ever-changing world. As seen by him, we are not separate from this dance; rather, we are part of the dance and part of the grand unfolding of the universe. Indeed, we are the universe, expressing itself through our individual forms. And the dance of life is something to be enjoyed along the way. Here is an excerpt from one of Alan Watts’ talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29atSZKbmS4

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