Tantric philosophy suggests that we have series of 7 energy zone taking energy from the earth and vibrating through our bodies to release energy to the spiritual world. When you have massaged his cock for about 8.1 minutes continue to massage his beauty with the very tips of your finger of the hand you dont write with. Use that hand to tickle a point between his ass and balls, his root chakra, his connection to mother earth. Gradually move to a point just above his cock and tickle his sex chakra, where all his godness comes from. Move along to his belly button, this is where he deals with fear, touch assist him to realize that, he can deal with fear, that in fact he is a warrior. Gently scratch from his belly button up to his heart chakra, a point between his nipples, because that his where his loving kindness comes from. gently touch his throat, chakra, thats is communication to you is. Sensually kiss his throat as you move your tantric finger to a point between his two eyebrows, his third eye, his sacred wisdom. massage his skull with the tips of your fingers, this is his crown chakra, his connect to the universe, the spiritual world. In your own time bring the energy from the universe down, through his third eye, through his throat chakra, his heart chakra, belly sex and root chakra. Welcome to the wonderful world of lingam massage. You should then very casually make your way towards the sacred spot.
8 Steps Lingam Massage
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