Male Friendships

5 Replies to “Male Friendships”

  1. I have had many male friends over the years and there are a few men I know today where the relationship is quite intimate, but not sexual as yet. Discerning whether they desire more thane just platonic friendship is difficult and a little scary. I have only been with a man in an aroused and naked state once (recently and not near to where I live) and it was wonderful. We explored many amazing things. How will I know if a man in my friendship circles now, might be drawn to me such a way that it would be sexual? I am probably not expressing myself very well.

  2. I agree with thoughts on Male relationships ,
    There are many different versions of male relationships . It’s completely natural and normal to be fascinated and or intrigued by another man’s naked body exposed . Who’s self assured with all aspects their lives , and comfortable naked amongst other men of any age just about anywhere and it’s not going to land ya in jail !
    We’ve been trained by society that nudity is wrong and inappropriate . Since the beginning of time all men have engaged each other in all kinds of intimate contact. It has been over time schooled out of our mind set.

  3. I can think of one friend of mine whose dick Id happily check out. Ive never seen it (yet) but the size of his bulge is enough for me. Unless I’m wrong and hes got a grapefruit shoved down his pants.

    The rest of my mates are mingers 🙂

  4. Terrific music. Erik Satie, Portraite de Socrate. “And now my fellows, I shall praise Socrates … but only for the truth’s sake” perhaps there is a great masculin truth to these works of art.

  5. most men are or can be sexually flexible is in our nature. some are psychic rigid for self- social conditioning and some by their nature i mean pure str8 or pure gay
    but most of us can be able to enjoy another’s male sex

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